Just Japan Podcast
Just Japan Podcast 41: Opening a School in Japan (with Gimmeabreakman)

In Epsidoe 41 of the Just Japan Podcast, host Kevin O'Shea interviews Victor Boggio, aka Gimmeaflakeman/Gimmeabreakman of YouTube about owning and operating an English school (eikaiwa) in Japan. Aside from being a very well-known YouTube celebrity, Victor owns and operates his own English school here in Japan. Victor discusses the history of his school and talks about what goes into opening aschool. In this episode Kevin also talks about the oddness of being in Japan during the Christmas season.

Shownotes/Website: http://busankevin.com

RSS Feed: http://justjapan.libsyn.com/rss

Twitter: http://twitter.com/jlandkev

Email: justjapanpodcast@gmail.com

Direct download: Just_Japan_Podcast_41_Opening_An_English_School_in_Japan.m4a
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 7:59pm HKT

Just Japan Podcast 40: Voice Acting and Narration in Japan

In Episode 40 of the Just Japan Podcast, host Kevin O'Shea interviews Jenny Silver, a professional voice actor and narrator living just outside Tokyo, Japan. Jenny talks about the ins and outs of voice acting in Japan as well as how she got her start in the industry. Jenny shares her interesting story as well as some insights into the world of voice acting and narration work in Japan. 

Show notes / website: http://busankevin.com

RSS Feed: http://justjapan.libsyn.com/rss

Twitter: http://twitter.com/jlandkev

Email: justjapanpodcast@gmail.com

Direct download: JustJapanPodcast40VoiceActingInJapan.m4a
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 7:57pm HKT

Just Japan Podcast 39: Building a House in Japan

In Episode 39 of the Just Japan Podcast, host Kevin O'Shea talks to returning guest, Brian Waters, an American living in Kyushu who is in the process of building a house here in Japan. Brian discusses his experience deciding to build a home for his family in Japan and the process they have gone through up until the start of construction. This fascinating interview will give a lot of information and motivation to anyone out there thinking of building or buying a home in Japan. Kevin also discusses the Autumn  tradition of Imohori or sweet potato digging, a rite of passage for any kindergarten student here in Japan. 

Shownotes/Website: http://busankevin.com

RSS Feed: http://justjapan.libsyn.com/rss

Twitter: http://twitter.com/jlandkev

Email: justjapanpodcast@gmail.com

Direct download: Just_Japan_Podcast_39_Building_a_House_in_Japan_.m4a
Category:Society & Culture -- posted at: 8:26pm HKT