Sun, 8 April 2018
IN JJP 183, Kevin chats with Tom from @BeingKansai on Twitter. @BeingKansai is probably the best source of cultural news and events going on in the Kansai region of Japan. If you are in Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, etc. and are not sure what to do on any given weekend, @BeingKansai will give you lots of ideas! Tom and Kevin discuss the end of Hanami season in Japan as well as the various seasonal changes. With the changing weather comes new festivals, cultural events, and seasonal food! Home of the podcast - Just Japan Stuff: Twitter and Instagram: @jlandkev Facebook:
Direct download: JustJapanPodcast183ChangingSeasonsFoodandMore.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02pm HKT |